2010 Earthquake Recovery
Priorities for Earthquake Recovery in Haiti
So far, over 500,000 people have fled Port-au-Prince for the rural communities in Haiti. This massive exodus to the countryside has put a tremendous strain on rural communities’ needs.
The Lambi Fund staff convened regional assemblies of local peasants to define immediate needs and prioritize rebuilding. The Lambi Fund is focusing on how to sustain the needs for the mid and long term by working with grassroots groups to rebuild, strengthen, and expand sustainable development in the rural areas. As a result, the Lambi Fund of Haiti has begun implementing a four-phase strategy to help rural communities throughout Haiti cope with this mass exodus.
Phase 1 — Provide emergency grants to rural communities to help families buy food, water, clothing and medical supplies to meet the immediate needs of the droves of people who have flooded into rural communities from Port-au-Prince following the earthquake.
Phase 2 — Expand sustainable agriculture programs. Given that there is a high likelihood that most of those currently migrating to rural communities will stay permanently, there needs to be a dramatic increase in agricultural capacity to meet the increased demand for food. We are expanding the existing sustainable agriculture projects to help meet this demand.
Phase 3 — Clean water and sanitation. Lambi Fund partners with rural grassroots organizations to provide rainwater cisterns to bring clean water, and latrines to increase sanitation and reduce the spread of infectious diseases, to meet the need due to increased numbers of displaced persons in the rural areas.
Phase 4 — Increase opportunities for sustainable income and livelihoods for those displaced by the earthquake. Lambi Fund partners with rural grassroots organizations to create sustainable development projects to increase self-sufficiency. These projects are run cooperatively by grassroots organizations and range from animal husbandry to sugar cane and grain mills to community micro-credit funds, to name a few. An increase in these sustainable
development projects will provide those uprooted by the earthquake the opportunities to become productive self-sufficient members in their new communities.
Still need help for:
Mid and long term ($1M)
Help strengthen rural communities and their expanded populations (some communities doubled their populations overnight with the influx of earthquake survivors):
Increase micro-enterprises with additional community microcredit funds
Increase organic, locally-grown food and clean water with expanded sustainable agriculture, reforestation and water access projects
Increase livelihoods with expanded sustainable development projects, such as pig and goat breeding, grain mills and sugar cane mills
Build 880 latrines to prevent spread of disease and increase sanitation in rural areas, as a result of rapidly growing population from IDPs
Expand women’s program to address the special needs of women (more vulnerable to domestic violence and sexual assault in tent cities but several organized women’s groups are standing up for the rights of women and children)
Support Policy Advocacy program to express voice of the Haitian people in rebuilding Haiti. As foreign corporations and governments jockey for rebuilding contracts, the Haitian voice has been neglected. Haitians must be involved in all facets of rebuilding.
Here are some of the specific things the Lambi Fund is doing as part of its response:
Expand women's program to address the special needs of women (more vulnerable to domestic violence and sexual assault in tent cities but several organized women's groups are standing up for the rights of women and children)
Support Policy Advocacy program to express voice of the Haitian people in rebuilding Haiti. As foreign corporations and governments jockey for rebuilding contracts, the Haitian voice has been neglected. Haitians must be involved in all facets of rebuilding.
Help members of peasant groups get food and essentials for their families to re-establish their lives.
Provide seeds, tools and equipment for peasant groups to plant more crops to feed local communities.
Recapitalize micro-credit funds run by peasant organizations so that people can replenish and continue their small businesses.
Build more latrines in rural areas for increased sanitation and less disease.
Expand sustainable development enterprises such as fish farms, sugar cane mills, pig and goat breeding projects so the displaced persons can become self-sufficient.
Expand number of rainwater cisterns so people will have a supply of safe drinking water.
Plant trees critically needed to stabilize topsoil and prevent mudslides.
Create strong partnerships with a coalition of like-minded groups working together to rebuild Haiti.
Take a leadership role in advocacy for the voice of the people.
Support the unique needs of women and their rights.
About the organization
The Lambi Fund of Haiti is a 501(c)(3) organization with offices in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Denver and Miami. Over the past sixteen years The Lambi Fund has supported over 175 peasant-led projects reaching almost two one million Haitians.
The Lambi Fund's mission is to assist the popular democratic movement in Haiti. The Lambi Fund provides financial resources, training and technical assistance to peasant-led community organizations that promote the social and economic empowerment of the Haitian people. As part of its regular programming, Lambi Fund supports new and
continuing peasant-led projects all over Haiti including grain mills, seed banks, goat breeding, ox plowing services, fishing, micro-credit funds, irrigation, potable water, irrigation, and reforestation projects
How you can help:
Credit Card donations
PayPal Donations
Send a check to: Lambi Fund of Haiti, PO Box 18955, Washington DC 20036
Follow Lambi Fund online for updates on recovery efforts in Haiti:
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/#/LambiFund
Twitter - http://twitter.com/LambiFund
Support one of the few organizations founded by Haitians and run by Haitians for Haitians. Lambi Fund has been recommended by Google, major news outlets, and philanthropies for donations to help in earthquake recovery. Endorsed by Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance and Charity Navigator, Lambi Fund has been working in Haiti for the past 16 years.
Completed Priorities
Done (wired $850k)
☑ Grants to 22 grassroots groups in Artibonite, which has received over 162,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Port au Prince - To buy clothes, food, meds, and other essentials and infuse the local economy.
☑ Cash disbursements to cover losses of Fon Lanbi Pou Ayiti staff members in Port au Prince.
☑ Grants to two grassroots women’s groups in Port au Prince who lost everything in the quake - To buy clothes, food, meds, and other essentials and infuse the local economy.
☑ Grants to four grassroots groups in the Northwest, which has received over 45,000 IDPs - To buy clothes, food, meds, and other essentials and infuse the local economy.
☑ Grants to 17 grassroots groups in the South, which has received over 25,000 IDPs - To buy clothes, food, meds, and other essentials and infuse the local economy.
☑ Distributed medications (value $8K, donated by UUSC) to hospital in Gwomon.
☑ Distributed tents and basic supplies to 17 grassroots groups in South (donated by Hope for Haiti).
☑ Grants to 42 peasant organizations for Farmers Credit Funds so that 1,260 farmers in the Artibonite, South, West and Northwest departments can plant increased crops to feed themselves and IDPs with locally grown food.
Very interesting interactive map showing refugee migration from Port-au-Prince to rural communities in Haiti:
![]() Boarding a Bus to Seek Refuge | ![]() Women of KOFAVIV Gather | ![]() Mounds and Mounds of Rubble |
![]() Seeking Medical Care | ![]() Shelter Made with Spare Scraps | ![]() Streets Covered in Rubble |
![]() Tent Villages Throughout Haiti | ![]() Village of Tents | ![]() Members of KOFAVIV |
![]() Fleeing to Countryside | ![]() Distributing Lambi Fund Grants | ![]() Completely Leveled Building |
Haiti: One Year Later
One year later. Three hundred and sixty-five days since the ground shook and forever changed Haiti. I thought a lot about what I wanted to say about the earthquake and my Ayiti Cheri as we take this day to remember and honor the loved ones lost.
Undoubtedly, countless news stories will air this week looking at Haiti’s journey this past year and how the rebuilding effort is progressing. To be certain, Haiti has had more than a tough go at things. The earthquake left Port-au-Prince and many cities in ruin, hurricanes flooded and damaged the south, cholera has mercilessly swept through the country leaving Haiti brimming with hardships, anxiety, and uncertainty, and Presidential elections held in November had chaotic outcomes. The entire election swirled with rumors of rampant fraud and ballot-stuffing and most viewed the entire process as illegitimate. When results for the run-off election were announced in December, riots and violence broke out in the streets of Port-au-Prince.
By most accounts, the rebuilding effort in Haiti seems stagnant. Tons and tons of rubble still litter Port-au-Prince’s streets, millions struggle to survive in tent cities, a comprehensive reconstruction plan still has not been agreed upon, and millions of dollars in aid money sits in banks. Despite these tough realities and the difficult road that Haiti must journey down, I would like for a moment to stop and offer a glimmer of hope. It seems that despite all this, life in Haiti goes on.
In 2010, the Lambi Fund of Haiti witnessed countless stories of heroism, peasant solidarity, recovery, and movements to envision, plan, and work to rebuild Haiti. While much of the media may paint Haitians as helpless victims, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, it is in the people where Haiti’s strength lies.
Immediately following the earthquake, Lambi Fund staff and its local partners were very much in the midst of the disaster. It took an agonizing six days to finally make contact with Lambi Fund staff in Haiti. Fearing the worst, Lambi Fund’s country director, Josette Perard, reported that the office just blocks from the presidential palace was damaged, yet miraculously all staff members were alive and healthy. Everyone though, had lost close friends and family.
Lambi Fund quickly sprang to action and thanks to years of working with local grassroots organizations throughout Haiti, it seemed Lambi Fund was uniquely positioned to provide immediate and effective relief. Partnerships with local organizations that Lambi Fund had been developing for over 16 years served as an essential network during this time.
Lambi Fund convened regional committees of local grassroots leaders throughout the country to determine immediate and long-term needs. Over a half million earthquake survivors fled Port-au-Prince to stay with friends and family in rural Haiti. Household sizes doubled overnight and for Lambi Fund partners already struggling to survive on less than $2 a day, they did not have the means to provide relief.
Based on these discussions, Lambi Fund was able to swiftly distribute emergency grants to 44 grassroots organizations to purchase life essentials like food, water, shelter and medical supplies. In all, 8,000-9,000 people received emergency relief (1,080 families received grants and each family had an average of 8 people).
Mr. Josephat, a member of a community organization in the Artibonite, recalled tearfully:
"I had 21 people, strangers staying with me and my family. We did not think twice about welcoming them, but we had not yet figured out how they would be cared for or how they would be fed.
When we heard about Lambi Fund's program to help impacted families, I was so happy that I cried. I cried because I was touched and shocked that people who had been at the center of this disaster had the time to think about us.
I was so proud to be a member of a strong organization, and I really deeply understood why being organized is the path to a better life. We would have been left to our own devices without Lambi Fund's support.
The government never came and the NGOs which did drop by brought free food supplies and their methods of distribution stripped us of our dignity."
Mr. Josephat's sentiments were echoed throughout discussions with other partner organizations in Haiti.
"My name is Ostazia. My husband and I have 10 children and we live in the North West. After the January 12, 2010 earthquake which destroyed Port-au-Prince, our household increased by 10 more people. This was extremely problematic as we did not have the means to care for them. It is thanks to my organization and the Lambi Fund that we got the relief we so desperately needed. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THANK YOU!"
The Next Phase
Knowing that food security and restoring livelihoods for the thousands of survivors now living in rural communities would be essential, Lambi Fund’s second phase of relief focused on expanding crop production and the availability of locally produced food. An emergency credit was provided to 1,254 farmers in 41 partner organizations to allow them to purchase more seeds, tools and supplies to increase crop outputs and feed more families.
Based on reports from farmers, it is projected that about 10,000 persons benefitted from this program. By all accounts, communities generated bountiful harvests of peas, corn and vegetables for consumption and sale at local markets.
In addition, Lambi Fund replenished community microcredit funds to help small business owners purchase more goods and restart their enterprises. Two women’s groups in Port-au-Prince who fight violence against women and provide support for women’s small businesses lost everything in the earthquake. Women and their families have been forced to live in squalid conditions in tent cities. Lambi Fund worked with these women to provide small grants to start small businesses and to send their children back to school.
Looking Towards the Future
Never before has Lambi Fund faced a disaster of such a daunting magnitude and it is thanks to you and your amazing support in this past year that Lambi Fund was able to mobilize and provide such urgent relief. For an extensive breakdown of Lambi Fund’s earthquake relief, I ask you to read the Earthquake Activities Update on our website www.lambifund.org.
Haitian peasants are determined to be part of their country's reconstruction and thanks to previous Lambi Fund organizational development and capacity building — they are organizationally strong and ready to serve as a collected front to implement change.
In addition to continuing our support of sustainable economic and environmental activities, Lambi Fund has pledged to amplify the voices of the Haitian people and their determination to be included in this historic moment for nation building in Haiti.
In 2011, the Lambi Fund of Haiti is ready to implement the next phases of the Earthquake Recovery Plan:
Increase micro-enterprises with additional community microcredit funds.
Increase organic, locally-grown food and clean water with expanded sustainable agriculture, reforestation and water access projects.
Increase livelihoods with expanded sustainable development projects, such as pig and goat breeding, grain mills and sugar cane mills.
Build latrines to prevent spread of disease and increase sanitation in rural areas, as a result of rapidly growing population.
Expand women’s program to address the special needs of women (more vulnerable to domestic violence and sexual assault in tent cities but several organized women’s groups are standing up for the rights of women and children).
Support Policy Advocacy program to express voice of the Haitian people in rebuilding Haiti. As foreign corporations and governments jockey for rebuilding contracts, the Haitian voice has been neglected. Haitians must be involved in all facets of rebuilding.
People from rural communities are working together to increase sustainability in their communities and ongoing training in sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry, and increasing organizational capacity will be key to long- term success. The Lambi Fund Earthquake Recovery Plan will continue in 2011 and beyond. Rebuilding Haiti is a long-term commitment for the Lambi Fund and we hope that you choose to take this journey with us. With your continued support, Lambi Fund and the people of Haiti can work to achieve sustainable communities and a vibrant Haiti.
Looking to the future,
Karen Ashmore
Executive Director
Lambi Fund of Haiti
July 12, 2010
6 Months Later:
An Update on Quake Recovery
Today marks the six month anniversary since the devastating earthquake struck Haiti on January 12. By now stories of immense loss and unimaginable damage are well known. Over $8 billion has been pledged in international relief, yet rebuilding continues to be slow. Hundreds of thousands of people still live in tent cities and rubble litters the street. At first glance, it may appear that little or no progress is being made, yet the Lambi Fund of Haiti's unprecedented partnerships with local grassroots organizations throughout Haiti have been yielding significant results for thousands of earthquake survivors.
Lambi Fund Supports Local Economy
In the immediate weeks following the earthquake, the Lambi Fund activated its key partnerships with local peasant organizations. After convening regional meetings with local grassroots leaders to determine recovery priorities, Lambi Fund disbursed over $700,000 to 43 community organizations. As you can see in the photo on the right, Lambi Fund partner organizations were able to quickly and efficiently distribute emergency recovery funds to its members.
These funds supported the local economy when communities purchased needed essentials like locally grown food, clothing, and medical supplies. Women's organizations were able to protect and advocate for women, whose vulnerability increased in the tent cities.
Helping Rural Communities
Over a half million earthquake survivors who lost everything, fled the city and streamed into rural communities to live with friends and family. Emergency funds to these
community organizations helped them survive the disaster.
Ostazia Ogusrten, a beneficiary of the earthquake recovery program, has 10 children and lives in northwest Haiti with her husband. She explained, "After the Jan. 12 earthquake destroyed Port-au-Prince, our household increased by another 10 people. It is thanks to my community organization and the Lambi Fund of Haiti that we got the relief we so desperately needed. Thank you. Thank you VERY much."
Focus on Rebuilding is Critical
At the six month milestone, it is important to look forward towards Haiti's future. Much work is left to be done and the Lambi Fund of Haiti continues to urge that rebuilding includeall members of Haitian society, as well as the promotion of local business enterprises and the strengthening of civil society. To learn more about Lambi Fund's long term rebuilding priorities, click here.
True to Its Mission
The Lambi Fund of Haiti was founded in 1994 by Haitians and North Americans. Its mission is to assist the popular democratic movement in Haiti. The Lambi Fund provides financial resources, training and technical assistance that promotes the social and economic empowerment of the Haitian people.
Donate Online or PayPal
Or Send a check to:
Lambi Fund of Haiti
PO Box 18955
Washington DC 20036
Lambi Fund of Haiti has conducted rural meetings with peasants from the 175 rural communities we have worked with over the past 16 years. In our usual bottom-up model, we are asking the peasants for their immediate needs and to prioritize rebuilding efforts. Asking the people what they need — what a concept!
As a result, Lambi Fund is implementing a four-phase plan to help cope with this mass exodus:
1. Food and emergency essentials to those migrating from Port-au-Prince to rural areas.
2. Repair damage in rural communities
3. Expand sustainable agriculture programs to meet the increased demand for food in rural areas
4. Increase opportunities for sustainable income for those displaced by the earthquake so that the influx of people migrating to countryside can start earning sustainable livelihoods
Specific details for rebuilding:​
Provide seeds, tools and equipment for peasant groups to plant more crops to feed local communities.
Rebuild grain mills, sugar cane mills, and other economic development community enterprises lost in the earthquake. These buildings are the centers of communities’ economic livelihoods.
Recapitalize micro–credit funds run by peasant organizations so that people can replenish and continue their small businesses.
Repair rainwater cisterns so people will have a supply of safe drinking water.
Plant trees critically needed to stabilize topsoil and prevent mudslides
Create strong partnerships with a coalition of like-minded groups working together to rebuild Haiti.
Take a leadership role in advocacy for the voice of the people.
To help our Haitian neighbors, please donate now or
Lambi Fund of Haiti
PO Box 18955
Washington DC 20036
The strong 7.3 earthquake that rocked Haiti has left this
impoverished nation in a state of ruin.
Nearly every building over one-story has collapsed. The Presidential Palace has collapsed. Schools have fallen, hospitals have fallen, and hotels have fallen. The ministries of finance and other depart-ments, Supreme Court, and Parliament have all collapsed as well.
This strong earthquake and its 20+ aftershocks have pounded Haiti and destroyed many of the sus-tainable development projects run by grassroots groups that are partnering with the Lambi Fund of Haiti. Here are our plans for helping communities recover:
The Lambi Fund of Haiti is not a first responder, but a second responder meaning Lambi Fund will be there to help Haiti rebuild long after the relief service providers leave.
Help members of peasant groups get food and essentials for their families to re-establish their lives.
Help Lambi Fund field staff replace their belongings (food, clothing, furniture) that were lost in the quake. The sooner we help them get back on their feet, the sooner they can help peasant communities rebuild.
Recapitalize micro–credit funds run by peasant organizations so that people can replenish and continue their small businesses.
Rebuild grain mills, sugar cane mills and other economic development community enterprises lost in the earthquake. These buildings are the centers of communities’ economic livelihoods.
Repair rainwater cisterns so people will have a supply of safe drinking water.
Help peasant organizations buy goats, pigs, and chickens to replenish livestock. A few animals will quickly reproduce and provide offspring for animal husbandry projects.
To help our Haitian neighbors, please donate now!
Lambi Fund of Haiti
PO Box 18955
Washington DC 20036