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Donate By Mail

Your gift provides support to rural farmers in Haiti!


Thank you for your support! The Lambi Fund of Haiti, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered in Washington, DC. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.


If you would prefer to donate with a check, please send your contribution to:


The Lambi Fund of Haiti
1050 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036


For Credit card information, please print and fill out the form below and mail it to:


Lambi Fund of Haiti,
1050 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036


















My contribution amount is:  $25  $50  $100  $250  $500  $1,000 Other: $____________


Beginning ____/_____/_____, I would like to contribute installments of $____________


 ___Twice  ___Yearly ___ Quarterly  ___Monthly


 ___Please send me payment reminder notices.


 ___Please charge my  ___MasterCard  ___Visa  ___AMEX


______________________________________ ____/____/____  CVV____
Card number                                                         Exp. date


______________________________________ ____/____/_____
Signature                                                                Date


___My company will match my gift. Please enclose your company's matching gift form with this donation. (Need more information? See Corporate Matching Gifts.)


Company Name:____________________________________________________________


Company Matching Gift Website (if any):________________________________________


Please send me information regarding:


 ___Gifts of Stock

 ___Estate Planning Information



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