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Letters of Solidarity

De: Organizasyon Rejyon Latibonit

From: Organizations from the Artibonite Region


Pou: Fon Lambi

To: Lambi Fund


Obje: Let de solidarite

Re: Letter of Solidarity


Dat: 15 Avril 2005

Date: April 15, 2005


Zanmi kanmarad nou yo bonjou

Greetings to our comrades and friends,


Kijan nou ye? Eske nou repran moral nou?

How are you? Is your morale better now?


Nou menm oganizasyon patne ki nan rejyon latibonit lan, nou te chita ansanm pa zon pou nou te reflechi sou sak pase a. Dapre refleksyon nou yo, se yon aksidan ki rive, tankou sa abitye rive anpil nan manm nou yo sitou ti machand ki vwayaje Potopresn yo. Se ka ensekirite Global peyi a. Se vre se yon kou di pou LF pou chofe ki tap kondwi machin nan, le li pa konnen ki bo yo fe ak kanmarad li yo. Sa yo pral fe ak yo. Se te pi di toujou pou kanmarad yo ki livre nan men kidnape yo, kap sibi presyon, e yo pa konnen ki so yo. Se te yon kou di tou, pou res manm Lanbi yo, ki tap viv moman pak la tap rive. Bon Dye te la. Bagay yo pase jan yo pase a, konpliman pou Bon Dye.


Members of our partner organizations from the Artibonite sat down in our respective areas to reflect about what had happened. Based on our reflection this incident that occurred is what our members experience, especially the little market women who travel to Port-au-Prince. There is a global insecurity problem in Haiti. It is true it was a blow to Lambi Fund, especially to the driver who did not know what had happened to his colleagues and what their fate would be.


It was even harder for those kidnapped that were under pressure not knowing what their fate would be. It was a hard blow also for the other members of Lambi Fund who had to experience this with Easter around the corner. God was a witness and things happened as they did, thanks to God!


Nou menm kise oganizasyon patne LF travay nen latibonit lan nou endiye devan aksyon revoltan sa a, kom pep ki reve yon chanjman, kom moun kap batay pou yon lot sosyete, aksyon sa yo revolte nou anpil e se konsekans move pratik politik ki trennen peyi a nan lawont ak desepsyon li trouve l la a.


The members of LF partner organizations in the Artibonite are indignant with regard to this revolting action; as people dreaming of change, as people struggling for a different kind of society, actions like this revolt us very much and are the consequence of bad political practices that drag our country down in the shame and deception it finds itself in today.


Zanmi nou yo kouraj, fok nou knotinye lite pou chanjman reyel la. Pa dekouraje oganizasayon baz yo makonnen fos yo ak fos pa nou pou n rive kwape fos fe nwa yo bloke wout chanjman an. Kenbe pa lage!


Courage our friends because it is necessary that we continue to struggle for real change!


Do not get discouraged for we of the grassroots organizations join our forces with yours to overcome the forces of darkness that block the road to change. Keep the faith!



Letter for the Lambi Fund


Re: Recommendation and Thanks


In the name of FAD (Women in Action of Des Armes), we, the FAD representatives, salute the courage and concern the Lambi Fund has for grassroots organizations.


FAD is a womens organization which was founded in April 1986. So far, FAD has managed the following activities: grain storage; micro-credit; and community gardens. In 2000, we met the Lambi Fund, who helped us with the grain storage project. This forged an even greater bond among the women.


The Lambi Fund has provided us with many types of training seminars on topics including management, soil conservation, community organizing and group dynamics, environmental protection techniques, etc. This made the women more robust and encouraged them to continue the struggle.


That is why we, the FAD representatives, are asking Lambi to continue to help women in women's organizations even more, so that the women's struggle can become even more energized.


Both for women's projects and for women's training, we are counting on the Lambi staff.


Thank you in advance.


FAD Leadership Committee


From: Gros Morne

To: The Lambi Fund


Re: Thanks


We, the Women's Coalition of Gros Morne, salute and greet the Lambi Fund staff and board.


It is with hearts overflowing with joy that we have the pleasure of writing this letter to the team, for all that the Lambi Fund does for the Women's Coalition of Gros Morne (which is made up only of women).


1. Lambi financed a fruit processing project for us. Before this, the coalition ran a micro-credit program for women doing commerce and an herbal medicine project.


2. Lambi helped us through good training


3. Lambi showed us techniques to help us struggle against poverty in Haiti. Even more amazing, they showed us how to cook using solar energy.


The coalition has been functioning since 1990; little by little in these ways, Lambi has strengthened us and began helping us in July 2001. Since that time right up until the present, Lambi has continued to support and encourage us.


We don't have adequate words to express our thanks for this team. That is why there is a Creole proverb that says, "The dead can never finish thanking the cemetery, because the dead will always need the cemetery".


Our thanks can never come to an end. We don't know what else to say to show how happy the Women's Coalition of Gros Morne is. We should point out, this work is not done only for the women in the coalition, but is useful to all the communities.


Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you.


And we would like this training to continue with even more support and encouragement.


Thank you again.



The Women's Coalition of Gros Morne (POFGM)


From: The leadership of thePeasant Association of Sèl, Gros Morne (APS)

To: The Lambi Fund of HaitiRe: ThanksFriends and comrades,


It is with great pleasure that we, the leadership of APS, are writing this letter today. How are you? Are you working hard? As for us, we're OK.


The reason we are writing is to thank you for all the good things you have done for us members of APS. The Lambi Fund financed a corn and millet milling project for us. During this project, there were things that really struck us at APS that make us want to continue to work with the Lambi Fund staff. What struck us was that the relationship that exists between APS and the Lambi Fund was marked by mutual respect.


During hard times, APS was sometimes late on reimbursing the monthly payment for the project. However, the Lambi Fund managers were always patient with APS. The Lambi Fund always supported us with training in management, training on women's health, technical training for the mill operators, agricultural training etc. The training and support Lambi gave us increased our capacity. All of these benefits made us view the Lambi Fund as an NGO that is working to ensure that life continues to blossom in the country of Haiti.


We are sending the last installment of the loan payment, but we hope that paying off this debt doesn't mean the end of our relationship with the Lambi Fund. On the contrary, this relationship ought to remain because APS would love to continue to work with the Lambi Fund.For a long time, APS has been requesting financial help from the Lambi Fund for a grain storage project. Would the Lambi Fund be able to finance this project for us?


We want to tell the Lambi Fund to stay strong, don't get discouraged, because your recompense from God will be great. May the Lord bless you abundantly so that the Lambi Fund can continue its achievements everywhere it goes.


In manman (mother) we find the letter MIn espwa (hope) we find the letter EIn sensè (sincere) we find the letter SIn inyon (union) we find the letter I(MESI=THANK YOU)That is, for us in APS, the Lambi Fund is a sincere mother who brings hope to all people who unite together to advance development in their community.This is the word that the APS market women use to tell all the Lambi Fund staff thank you for the recapitalization that Lambi provided them.


Thank you, thank you, thank you


From the APS leadership

To: Lambi Fund Staff in Port au Prince


Dear Friends,


Hello! OPB is happy to write to you about the emergency credit fund that you sent to us to help the peasant farmers. We are very satisfied because we have increased the number of people we already had. OPB is one of the organizations that loves the Lambi Fund a lot. We're dating, we're engaged to, we're married to the Lambi Fund, because the Lambi Fund helps us to move forward.


Thank you, thank you very much for all that you do for us. God the Father will bless the whole Lambi Fund team.


Signed by the committee

From: SOFA (Mapou Rollin chapter)

To: The Lambi Fund

Re: Thanks


The leadership committee of SOFA in Mapou Rollin is pleased to send greetings to the national and international Lambi staff. We want to take the opportunity to thank you for the way you received our organization's plea.


Each of these victims received the money with great joy and thanks. They were very happy. They said they would pray to God that the Lambi Fund would be able to move forward, and that the Lord's blessings would fall on you even more abundantly.


From the committee

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