Why I Give

Johanna Gaspard
"The Lambi Fund of Haiti is not merely another foundation that assists impoverished Haitians by building a home or providing food and water. Although that is helpful, this does not allow for the people to achieve self-suffciency. With the initiatives that Lambi Fund presents—individuals, communities, and prayerfully, the entire nation will one day be able to sustain itself through its own efforts. Lambi Fund is about empowerment. Knowing this, the decision to support the organization is simple.
I grew up surrounded by people who love to give, support, and see others thrive. So, I suppose I inherited these attributes. My thought was, "If just $25 equates to a significant contribution to an aspiring Haitian entrepreneur, then why not? It is the least I can do." Most of us spend that on a week's worth of coffee anyhow. And after all, I myself am Haitian!"
Rebecca Smith
"I am 15 years old and have always loved little children. My mom often speaks of how blessed we are and how poor Haiti was when she visited there many years ago.
So, when my best friend and I completed the Red Cross Babysitting Course we started Angel Keepers, a parent’s night out one Saturday a month at our church. I knew I wanted to give my share of the money we earned to Lambi Fund of Haiti.
Once a month we have a group of about 25 kids and we choose a different theme. We read the children a bible story, feed them a snack and dinner, play games, and make two crafts related to the theme.
I knew the only reason it works is because God is on our side, so I want to give it back. My mom helped me research all the charities that help poor children all over the world, and I chose the Lambi Fund of Haiti because I had heard how poor Haiti was and I thought the children there could really use it.
I hope my work donating to Lambi Fund inspires other youth around the world to do special projects and donate the proceeds to this worthwhile cause."

John Morris
"I give to the Lambi Fund because it is set up in a beautiful way. It empowers and inspires people to use their own skills and strengths, while honoring their dignity.
I have been fortunate in my life and I am blessed with a good job. Through the HP matching program, I am able to give to others knowing my gift will be multiplied. In Haiti, even a modest gift makes a huge difference.
I know I can't solve the world's problems, but I can help solve some people's problems, and that is a wonderful feeling."

Nancy Felix
"Why do I give to the Lambi Fund of Haiti? I give because I am wired to give. Growing up, my parents, who were much less blessed financially than I am today, gave every chance they got. The spirit of giving is something that is embedded in my genes and that I am trying to carry forward with my children.
I give personally because as an engineering manager for a major technology company, my family and I are blessed, and it's important to share that blessing and give to those others who may be less fortunate and in need. I give because it's the right thing to do. In this global economy we are all neighbors, and when we can, if we can, however we can, we should help one another. I give because as a successful Haitian American woman living in America, I feel that I have an obligation to help not only other Haitians, but anyone else who might be in need. In my eyes, Lambi Fund is one of the best ways to make a difference helping other Haitians become self-sufficient."

Yanick and Patrick Bayard
"We give to The Lambi Fund of Haiti because of our strong belief in Lambi Fund's ability to reach people directly and enable them to become self sufficient. Lambi Fund does not give handouts, instead they provide tools to get the job done. Over the years we have observed documented results of Lambi Fund's projects which have created improved economic conditions, reduced erosion and most importantly an increase in collaboration between grassroots organizations run by Haitians themselves. We are also impressed by Lambi Fund's efforts to reach out to women and empower them to support themselves with their own micro businesses, leading to more equality between men and women.
Haiti needs us to invest in its people to re-build their country from the ground up; this very fragile and young democracy cannot succeed if the peasant communities of Haiti are not an integral part of this movement towards a cleaner, stronger, better self-sustaining economy. Lambi Fund has shown its commitment and produced clear results. We will continue to support Lambi Fund projects. As Haitians, it is an investment in Haiti's future."
(Editors Note: As a youth, Patrick Bayard attended St Louis School in Haiti with Lambi Fund Board member Max Blanchet. Originally from Haiti, Yanick's parents Lionel and Liliane Fombrun are the ones that first told the Bayards about Lambi Fund. The Bayard, friends and family have since donated annually to the Lambi Fund in memory of the Fombruns.)

Dr. Jeff Masters
"As the hurricane expert for the Internet weather web site wunderground.com, I am very familiar with Haiti's vulnerability to catastrophic flooding from hurricanes and tropical storms. I realize that the most important way for Haiti to reduce loss of life from these storms is to restore the natural forest cover that has almost entirely been lost. So, I give to the Lambi Fund, knowing that they are working hard on reforestation efforts. Someday, I hope to fly over the island and see it once more swathed in green, thanks in great part to the efforts of the Lambi Fund of Haiti."

Laurie Emrich
"I grew up in Colorado, in a family with a vision of social justice and where community work (local and global) was valued. In my own life, I have tried to do just that through my work in international public health in the 80's and 90's, and more recently as a student of, and then reformer and activist within the world of U.S. and Washington DC. philanthropy.
I believe in community-based, social change philanthropy, and to me the Lambi Fund of Haiti is an excellent example of a respectful, effective fund that supports grassroots development organizations. Lambi Fund staff listen to the concerns and priorities, as voiced based organizations. This is how their work becomes truly about building a social change movement, not just provision of services.
I have been a donor since 1997 and for the last eight years have served on the board, visiting project sites on five separate occasions. It has been my honor to work with the staff and board of this model of alternative development for Haiti."

Dave Nealy
"I give to the Lambi Fund because I have seen firsthand the desperate needs in Haiti and the positive, effective consequences of their projects. They target the independent, organized farmers and women's groups, which is a key to their success. In my 11 trips to Haiti as volunteer, election observer, interpreter and my many conversations with all levels of Haitian society, I am convinced that most of the government aid and much of the NGO and missionary funds in Haiti are little more than a bandaid for their problems. A combination of education and organization of the peasants, project successes that breed confidence, and above all, letting them decide on their own priority needs for projects has far-reaching effects. That seems to be the Lambi approach.
I have seen the positive results on a tour of projects in 2003. The people were not only grateful for the help, they were energized to continue the work and take on more projects. In spite of all the barriers to progress in Haiti, Lambi Fund workers there have been able to make a real, lasting difference in many rural communities. Therein lies the hope of the future for this country, I believe."