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College Campaigns

Getting Started


First, decide what you want to do.


  • Host a campus-wide Hunger Campaign​ * (see below)

  • A compassion meal ** (see below)

  • A Hungry for Haiti Jubilee

  • A rock for Haiti concert featuring a Haitian band, charge a cover!


The possibilities are endless!


What will be your main method of attempting to raise money? Through ticket sales? A raffle, silent auction, etc?


*Offer numerous opportunities to donate, so that if they cannot make the event, they can still contribute to the cause.*


Next, Organize and Rally Supporters.


  • Reach out to as many student groups and organizations on your campus as possible

  • Enlist the help of your student government

  • Reach out to alumni and faculty

  • Fraternities and Sororities are great organizations, they typically have money budgeted for meals with their brothers and sisters - most will agree to donate the funds for one meal towards the cause

  • Involve the community and local businesses


Set a Date, Time (or duration of the drive), and Location.


  • Organize volunteers to work the booths (for signing up students to pledge the campaign)

  • Schedule to have the booths available through your University. Choose high traffic locations and times like the student union and the lunch hour when most students are on a break from classes

  • Have volunteers sign up participants in their classes and make announcements about the event preparation for the event.

  • Download and print out Lambi Fund literature.


Contact local businesses to donate to your cause and/or supply food, alcohol, or prizes for a raffle…local businesses love donating to a great cause! Also, charging for tickets or drinks quickly raises funds.




  • Send all donation forms, checks and money orders (no cash please) to:


The Lambi Fund of Haiti
PO Box 18955
Washington, DC 20036


  • Or donate online.


We will send formal tax deductible thank you letters and enter names on our database for all of those who signed up for the mailing list*


Be sure to eMail Sarah with all photos and videos of your event for us to post on our Donors' page!


Feel free to contact us at any time with your questions or for further suggestions.




  • Make flyers or use these suggested templates (post all through-out the campus)

  • Take out an ad in the student newspaper, write an article, or have them feature your event

  • Use both local and campus TV and radio stations to help promote your Lambi Fund Campaign

  • Create events on Facebook, Myspace, E-vite, etc.


Post a link to donate online for people who cannot make the event:



* A Bit More About Hunger Campaigns


Your goal is to get as many people as possible to sign up for the hunger campaign.


We spend easily $20 at our favourite restaurant on Friday and Saturday nights, yet in Haiti, 60% of the population is trying to survive on less than $2 a day.


Participants pledge to either give up a meal or two on the FINAL day of the campaign.


Typically, each meal is given the value of $5. The money campaigners would have spent on that meal or meals is donated to the Lambi Fund of Haiti, while fasting during these meals helps participants empathize with countless others who endure the pain of hunger on a daily basis.


Those participating can take it even a step further and have friends and family members sponsor their hunger campaign. Hosting a potluck or soiree following the commencement of the campaign is a great way to celebrate Haiti even more.

Compassion Meals


68% of the population in Haiti lives in extreme poverty. Nearly as many lack access to potable water and sanitation.


Host a meal where attendees randomly draw a meal ticket. 68% of the attendees will draw a ticket for a typical Haitian meal. This will be representative of what the majority can afford to eat on a daily basis- rice and beans, with a small portion of meat. The remaining lucky few will enjoy a full course, gourmet meal.


For added effect:


Have those eating an "average" meal sit with those enjoying their gourmet cuisine

Use plastic plates and cups and fine dishes for each opposing meal


Get creative and have fun with this! During the meal, the immense division between classes will be eloquently illustrated.


For Florida Donors: A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free 1-800-help-fla or online at,

Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

Registration #: CH32334

1050 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC 20036


Phone: 202.772.2372

Fax: 202.350.9407


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