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How to Host a House Party

Getting Started


  • Generate an invite list. Creating a "House Party Host Committee" can help generate an invite list that is large and varied… invite members of your church or club you are involved in, friends, family, and co-workers!

  • Set a party Date, Time, and Location.

  • Determine the House Party theme/ Goal.

    • Will there be a "ticket" per person to enter? (Set the price)…or if dinner will be served—a cost per plate?

    • Depending on the invitees, you may opt to ask guests to "bring their questions and checkbooks"— many may have the potential to contribute much more than a $50 party ticket

  • Create a pitch. Pick a particular current issue relevant to Haiti, or a Lambi Fund project or area of work that will strike a chord with guests (like the environment, gender equity, or the Ox-Plow Service)…asking attendees to support a specific and particularly urgent campaign is most effective


More fun ideas


  • A compassion meal (see a description of this in the box to the right)

  • Wine and cheese tasting

  • Have a Haitian band perform, charge a cover!

  • Send out the invitations. Send using either conventional mail, E-vite, or Facebook

  • Encourage RSVPs Offer an opportunity for individuals to give if they cannot attend the event by including donation forms in the invitations or links to donate online at:



Work Out the Details


  • What food will be served? Dinner, Hors Dóeuvres, drinks, etc.

  • Serve wine from Laurel Glen Vineyards. All proceeds of their Chévere label go to the Lambi Fund

    • Chévere wine

  • Arrange to borrow or rent tables and chairs.

  • Play Haitian music.

  • Start to generate a number of guests based on RSVPs. Call those who have not yet responded.

    • Arrange for door prizes, a raffle, or silent auction. A nice Haitian rum, popular Haitian music CD, or Haitian book make great gifts

  • Download and print out Lambi Fund literature.


A Sample Agenda


Prior to the Party


  • Set up a large basket or donation box that says, "Donations for The Lambi Fund of Haiti"

  • Place a welcome sign outside. Using a Haitian flag is a nice touch.




  • 6:00 - 7:00 pm — Mingle, Socialize, Eat and Drink

  • 7:00 - 7:10 — Ask all guests to gather in the main room

  • Welcome and Introductions - Offer your personal perspective and reasons for hosting this house party

  • 7:10 - 7:20 —Overview of Lambi Fund - Specific insights and information on the featured project or issue

  • 7:20 - 7:35 — Watch Lambi video and/or show pictures

  • 7:35 - 7:40 — Follow- up comments or explanations

  • 7:40 - 7:55 — Question and Answer/Discussion

  • 7:55 - 8:00 — Wrap up - Encourage support and explain menu of options (donation basket, take a brochure, sign up for mailing list, Door Prize, etc.)Thanks for Coming!

  • 8:00 - 8:30 —More discussion for those who want more info. Mingle with those who want to do more socializing.









What is a Compassion Meal?


68% of the population in Haiti lives in extreme poverty. Nearly as many lack access to potable water and sanitation. Host a meal where attendees randomly draw a meal ticket. 68% of the attendees will draw a ticket for a typical Haitian meal. This will be representative of what the majority can afford to eat on a daily basis—rice and beans, with a small portion of meat. The remaining lucky few will enjoy a full course, gourmet meal.


For added effect:


  • Have those eating an "average" meal sit with those enjoying their gourmet cuisine


  • Use plastic plates and cups and fine dishes for each opposing meal


Get creative and have fun with this! During the meal, the division between classes will be eloquently illustrated.

Click Here for PDF Version


Online Brochure

Video - Reforestation and Clean Water in Haiti

Run Time: 2:25

Video - Pigs: Haitian Bank Accounts

Run Time: 4:57

Books & Music

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