Sustainable Development

Coffee and Fruit Production and Reforestation
Mark Coordination of Peasants
KPM: 627 members - 226 women, 401 men
Lambi Fund is providing KPM with the resources to build five nurseries and hire ten nursery attendants. This partnership will produce 100,000 fruit, coffee and forest trees to be planted in the area - enabling KPM's members to increase coffee and fruit production, and to slow the rate of erosion. Additionally, Lambi Fund is training 65 members in seedling production, nursery construction, sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, reforestation and terracing.

Sugarcane Mill
The Partnership for Change in Ravin Olyann
ACHVRO: 89 members w/women's group, youth group, adult group
The members of ACHRVO are building a sugarcane mill, which will allow the community to transform the drought-resistant sugar cane they currently grow into syrup and sell it. The Lambi Fund is providing the resources to purchase building materials, including a motor and six ovens for syrup production, as well as training in mill construction, small business management, commercialization and mill operation. Lambi Fund is also helping to build a tree nursery, including seeds and tools for 20,000 seedlings, as well as train members on nursery management. In order to address the need for sanitation, three latrines were built in the mill while education on use and care for the latrines were provided.

Coffee Production
The Coffee Cooperative of Peasants from Gwomrn
KOKAPEG: 805 members - 51 groups
KOKAPEG's members are making their coffee production more efficient by modernizing their processing plant and growing their output in a two stage project using resources provided by Lambi Fund. In Phase 1, KOKAPEG is purchasing a coffee pulper to attach to their decorticating machine, which allows them to process the coffee beans more quickly. During Phase II, KOKAPEG will purchase 25,000 pounds of coffee beans from local farmers, process the beans and store them before shipping them to sell on the international market. In addition to these efforts, Lambi Fund is providing the resources to construct a tree nursery for 25,000 coffee seedlings and 6,000 shade trees, as well as training members in nursery preparation and management.

Grain Mill
Peasant Movement for the Agricultural Development of Delann MOPDAD: 98 members
MOPDAD's 98 members are partnering with the Lambi Fund to construct a grain mill that will enable the women of the community to mill their corn and millet close by, rather than traveling long distances on foot. As a tool that processes raw products, which is a value-added step in the supply chain, the mill will increase food security and personal incomes in the community. MOPDAD is supplying the land and labor to build the mill and a tree nursery. Lambi Fund is providing the resources to purchase the motorized mill, fund the construction of the mill building and tree nursery, purchase seeds and tools to plant 20,000 tree seedlings, and is training members on organizational management, mill operation and maintenance and reforestation.

Grain Mill
St. Martin Youth Association for Community Development
AJSDC: 305 members
AJSDC is partnering with the Lambi Fund to build a grain mill, so that local corn, millet and rice farmers in this large community will have access to milling services which will increase food security and household incomes. AJSDC will provide the land and labor to build the mill, as well as the seeds, tools and materials needed to build a nursery and plant 20,000 seedlings. Lambi Fund is providing the resources to purchase the motorized mill, fund the construction of the mill building and tree nursery, and is training members on organizational management, mill operation and maintenance, and nursery building and reforestation.

Sustainable Development
Center for Plantain Propagation (CPP)
Lambi Fund and the CPP are continuing a partnership to strengthen and expand training to farmers cultivating plantains using the state-of-the-art PIF method. CPP is now an established source of healthy plantain trees in the region because members are trained in seedling production. Lambi Fund is providing the resources to purchase more seeds, tools and supplies and continues to provide training workshops.

Ox-Plowing Service
The Peasant Movement of Lafrezilyh
MPL: 45 members
Members of MPL have partnered with the Lambi Fund to create a community credit fund and to launch an ox-plow service. Funding for the purchase of four oxen, two plows and farming tools, such as hoes, carts, picks and pumps have been provided by Lambi Fund. The goal of this project is to increase land productivity and improve food security through the use of ox-plows and low-interest loans for local farmers. Lambi Fund is providing veterinary care for the oxen for one year, until the organization has adequate funds from ox-plow service profits to cover the cost on their own. Training in project management, ox plow operation and animal care, microcredit fund management, organizational capacity building, and tree nursery construction and management has taken place as well. The resources needed to plant 20,000 seedlings in the area are being provided as well.

Sustainable Agriculture and Community Credit Fund
Moje Planters' Organization
OPMO: 150 members: 50 women, 100 men
Members of OPMO have arable fertile land for agriculture, but suffer from low rainfall, which reduce crop outputs. In order to increase agricultural productivity in this area, OPMO has partnered with Lambi Fund to irrigate 30 acres of land and to establish a community credit fund for farmers. The credit fund will provide farmers with access to affordable loans to purchase tools, seeds and other inputs needed to increase crop productivity. While the purchase of two mobile irrigation pumps will water fields from the nearby river. Training on credit fund management, bookkeeping, sustainable agriculture and organizational capacity building will also be offered.

Ox-Plow Service and Community Credit Fund
The Society for Agricultural Development of Nip
SADN: 55 members: 20 women, 25 men
Members of SADN suffer from low agricultural productivity and access to farming tools in their community. In an effort to remedy this, SADN has partnered with Lambi Fund to launch an ox-plow service and a community credit fund for farmers. Currently, farmers have to plow their fields by hand. It is such time consuming and back-breaking work that many fields do not get plowed in time for planting season. This ox-plow service will provide members with access to oxen that can plow their fields affordably and efficiently. The credit fund will make affordable loans to farmers allowing them to purchase more seeds, tools and agricultural inputs to increase their harvests. For this project, Lambi Fund is funding the purchase of six oxen and three plows. Trainings on sustainable agriculture, credit fund management and organizational capacity building are also being provided.

Ox-Plowing Service and Community Credit Fund
Union of Planters for the Development of the Environment in Picot
UPLADEP: 42 members - 16 women, 26 men
UPLADEP wants to help increase farmers' revenue in Piko by providing ox-plowing services and a credit fund. In partnership with the organization, Lambi Fund is funding the purchase of six oxen and three ox plows and providing the starter money for a community credit fund. The community credit fund will allow UPLADEP to offer loans to 25 farmers. In order to ensure smooth operations, Lambi Fund is providing training on ox-plow operation, project and credit fund management, organizational capacity building and forage production. In addition, Lambi Fund is providing the tools, seeds, materials and training to build a nursery and plant 20,000 seedlings in the community.

Ox-Plowing Service and Community Credit Fund
Group of Women Miracle of Faith
GWOFAMIL: 52 members - 49 women, 3 men
GWOFAMIL's members would like to help farmers be more efficient by replacing picks, machetes and hoes with ox-plows. In order to achieve this, Lambi Fund is providing the resources to purchase six local oxen and three ox plows, as well as creating a community credit fund that will enable 25 farmers to obtain loans at affordable rates. Additionally, Lambi Fund is providing training in ox-plow operation, project and credit fund management, organizational capacity building, forage production and conservation. Seeds, tools, training and supplies necessary to plant 20,000 seedlings are being provided as well.